The evening stars shine brightly
Bintang-bintang malam bersinar terang
Over Heaven's Cove
Over Heaven's Cove
Lebih dari Surga Cove
As night descends in silence
As night descends in silence
Saat malam turun dalam diam
The faded scene unfolds
Adegan memudar terbentang.
The faded scene unfolds
Adegan memudar terbentang.
Consumed with trepidation
Dikonsumsi dengan gentar
Arhys hears his brother's voice
Arhys mendengar suara kakaknya
Arhys hears his brother's voice
Arhys mendengar suara kakaknya
"As you're facing the path that divides
"Saat kau menghadapi jalan yang terbagi
I will always be here by your side"
Aku akan selalu berada di sini di sampingmu "
I will always be here by your side"
Aku akan selalu berada di sini di sampingmu "
I feel my pulse begin to raise
Aku merasakan denyut nadiku mulai bangkit
Beads of sweat drop down my face
Beads of sweat drop down my face
Butir-butir keringat menetesi wajahku
I have made a grave mistake
I have made a grave mistake
Aku telah membuat kesalahan besar
What have I done
What have I done
Apa yang telah aku lakukan
My blood for my son
Darahku untuk anakku
My blood for my son
Darahku untuk anakku
It's not too late
Tidak terlalu terlambat
I won't betray him
Aku tidak akan mengkhianatinya
I won't betray him
Aku tidak akan mengkhianatinya
I knew the day had come
Aku tahu harinya telah datang
And you could be tempted
And you could be tempted
Dan kau bisa tergoda
To give up the Chosen One
To give up the Chosen One
Untuk menyerahkan sang Terpilih
And finally end this
And finally end this
Dan akhirnya mengakhiri ini
Do anything for your son
Do anything for your son
Melakukan apapun untuk anakmu
A terminal weakness
A terminal weakness
Kelemahan terminal
Now you're as good as done
Sekarang kau sebaik yang dilakukan
Now you're as good as done
Sekarang kau sebaik yang dilakukan
I didn't have a choice
Aku tidak punya pilihan
And I was defenseless
And I was defenseless
Dan aku tak berdaya
I didn't believe his voice
Arhys was never aware
X watched his hero be brave.
I've found courage and strength
You dare defy the prince?
Two holy warriors clash in the shadows of the night
Aku tidak percaya suaranya
The fighting was senseless
The fighting was senseless
Pertempuran itu tidak masuk akal
But now I can see the truth
But now I can see the truth
Tapi sekarang aku bisa melihat kebenarannya
I've got to my senses
I've got to my senses
Aku harus mengikuti perasaanku
I shouldn't have trusted you
Aku seharusnya tidak mempercayaimu
I shouldn't have trusted you
Aku seharusnya tidak mempercayaimu
Arhys was never aware
Arhys tidak pernah menyadari
His son had followed them there
His son had followed them there
Anaknya mengikuti mereka di sana
Confused and deathly afraid
Bingung dan takut kematian
Confused and deathly afraid
Bingung dan takut kematian
X watched his hero be brave.
X menyaksikan idolanya berani.
On the path that divides
On the path that divides
Di jalan yang terbagi
You were there by my side
You were there by my side
Kau berada di sana di sisiku
There will be no betrayal tonight
Tidak akan ada pengkhianatan malam ini
There will be no betrayal tonight
Tidak akan ada pengkhianatan malam ini
I've found courage and strength
Aku telah menemukan keberanian dan kekuatan
In the words you once sang
In the words you once sang
Dalam kata-kata kau sesekali nyanyikan
Taunting truth from the lies on the path that divides
Mengejek kebenaran dari kebohongan di jalan yang terbagi
Taunting truth from the lies on the path that divides
Mengejek kebenaran dari kebohongan di jalan yang terbagi
You dare defy the prince?
Kau berani menentang sang pangeran?
Well you just threw your life away
Well you just threw your life away
Baiklah kau hanya melemparkan hidupmu pergi
Along with Xander's dreams
Along with Xander's dreams
Seiring dengan mimpi Xander
You chose the wrong man to betray
Kau memilih orang yang salah untuk dikhianati
You chose the wrong man to betray
Kau memilih orang yang salah untuk dikhianati
Two holy warriors clash in the shadows of the night
Dua prajurit suci bentrok dalam bayang-bayang malam
But that's the cost with every fight
But that's the cost with every fight
Tapi itu biaya dengan setiap pertarungan
And Arhys' fight for her
And Arhys' fight for her
Dan perjuangan Arhys untuknya
Cost him his very life
Biayai dia sangat hidupnya
Cost him his very life
Biayai dia sangat hidupnya