What have you done?
Apa yang telah kau lakukan?.
(You murderer!)
(You murderer!)
(kau pembunuh!)
My father is dead
My father is dead
Ayahku sudah mati
(Your day will come!)
(Harimu akan datang!)
(Your day will come!)
(Harimu akan datang!)
Don't hold your breath
Jangan menahan nafasmu
The night's still young
The night's still young
Malam masih awal
Confront your death
Confront your death
Hadapi kematianmu
Like father, like son
Seperti ayah seperti anak
Like father, like son
Seperti ayah seperti anak
Who's this I see,
Siapa ini yang aku lihat,
Approaching me?
Drawing closer, pace by pace
As his weapon
The Chosen One.
Seorang yang terpilih.
The Chosen One.
Seorang yang terpilih.
Drawing closer, pace by pace
Menggambar dekat, kecepatan oleh kecepatan
The walking shadow hides its face
The walking shadow hides its face
Bayangan berjalan menyembunyikan wajahnya
Never aware of a looming attack
Never aware of a looming attack
Tidak pernah menyadari serangan menjulang
Like stepping right into a trap
Seperti melangkah tepat ke perangkap
Like stepping right into a trap
Seperti melangkah tepat ke perangkap
As his weapon
Sebagai senjatanya
Finds its victim
Finds its victim
Menemukan korbannya
Mortified, he's shocked to find
Mortified, he's shocked to find
Malu, dia terkejut menemukan
The shadow is Faythe
The shadow is Faythe
bayangan adalah keyakinan