The California animal is a bear
Hewan California adalah beruang
Angeleno but the devil may care
Angeleno but the devil may care
Angeleno tapi setan mungkin peduli
Summer time to talk and swear
Summer time to talk and swear
Waktu musim panas untuk berbicara dan bersumpah
Later maybe we could share some air
Later maybe we could share some air
Kemudian mungkin kita bisa berbagi udara
I'll take you to the movies there
I'll take you to the movies there
Aku akan membawamu ke bioskop di sana
We could walk through Leicester Square
We could walk through Leicester Square
Kita bisa berjalan melalui Leicester Square
What could be wetter than
What could be wetter than
Apa yang bisa lebih basah dibandingkan
An English girl American man
Seorang pria Amerika gadis Inggris.
An English girl American man
Seorang pria Amerika gadis Inggris.
London in the summer time
London di waktu musim panas
Call me now use the satellite
Call me now use the satellite
Panggil aku sekarang menggunakan satelit
London in the summer time
London in the summer time
London di waktu musim panas
Cuss me out and it'll feel all right
Menyumpahiku keluar dan itu akan merasa seperti semua
Cuss me out and it'll feel all right
Menyumpahiku keluar dan itu akan merasa seperti semua
Hesitate but don't refuse
Ragu tapi tidak menolak
The choice was yours but you said choose
The choice was yours but you said choose
Pilihan milikmu tetapi kau katakan pilihan
The look she used was green and sharp
The look she used was green and sharp
Tampilannya dulu hijau dan tajam
Stabbed that boy all in his heart
Stabbed that boy all in his heart
Menikam anak itu semua dalam hatinya
Come what may the cosmos will
Come what may the cosmos will
Apa pun yang terjadi kosmos akan
Take me up and down on Primrose Hill
Cuss me out and it'll feel all right
Down and out and it'll sound all right
The California flower is poppy child
Membawaku ke atas dan ke bawah pada Primrose Hill
What could be wetter than
What could be wetter than
Apa yang bisa lebih basah dibandingkan
An English girl American man
Seorang pria Amerika gadis Inggris
An English girl American man
Seorang pria Amerika gadis Inggris
Cuss me out and it'll feel all right
Menyumpahiku keluar dan itu akan merasa seperti semua
It's all right now
It's all right now
Itu semua sekarang
Call me now use the satellite
Call me now use the satellite
Panggil aku sekarang menggunakan satelit
It's all right
It's all right
Ya, benar
It's all right
It's all right
Ya, benar
Down and out and it'll sound all right
Turun dan keluar dan itu akan terdengar baik-baik saja
It's all right now
It's all right now
Itu semua sekarang
It's all right
Ya, benar
It's all right
Ya, benar
The California flower is poppy child
Bunga California adalah anak poppy
Felony sends me all the gold in your smile
Felony sends me all the gold in your smile
Kejahatan mengirimku semua emas di senyummu
Drift away from anyone you can
Drift away from anyone you can
Melayang jauh dari siapa pun yang kau bisa
Nothing ever goes according to plan
Nothing ever goes according to plan
Tidak ada yang pernah berjalan sesuai rencana
Though I know that every river bends
Though I know that every river bends
Meskipun aku tahu bahwa setiap sungai menikung
Time to say hello to snow on the Thames
Time to say hello to snow on the Thames
Waktu untuk menyapa salju di Thames
What could be wetter than
What could be wetter than
Apa yang bisa lebih basah dibandingkan
An English girl American man
An English girl American man
Seorang pria Amerika gadis Inggris