Man, the other day
Man, hari lain
I was trying to figure out how many letters was in the alphabet
I was trying to figure out how many letters was in the alphabet
Kucoba untuk mencari tahu berapa banyak huruf dalam alfabet
It took me all day, but you know I did it
It took me all day, but you know I did it
Butuh waktu sepanjang hari, tapi kau tahu aku melakukannya
You wanna know how many letters there are?
You wanna know how many letters there are?
Kau ingin tahu berapa banyak hurufnya?
26 letters in the alphabet!
26 huruf dalam alfabet!.
26 letters in the alphabet!
26 huruf dalam alfabet!.
26 letters in the alphabet
26 huruf dalam alfabet
I wear a shower cap so I don't get wet
I wear a shower cap so I don't get wet
Aku memakai topi mandi jadi aku tidak basah
I put on my shoes so my feet don't hurt
I put on my shoes so my feet don't hurt
Aku mengenakan sepatuku jadi kakiku tidak sakit
And go to the floor with Ernie and Bert
Dan pergi ke lantai dengan Ernie dan Bert
And go to the floor with Ernie and Bert
Dan pergi ke lantai dengan Ernie dan Bert
When I'm on the floor, I'm singin'
Ketika aku di lantai, aku bernyanyi
When I'm on the floor, I'm singin'
When I'm on the floor, I'm singin'
Ketika aku di lantai, aku bernyanyi
I got lots of friends, so I don't need pets
Aku punya banyak teman, jadi aku tidak perlu hewan peliharaan
26 letters in the alphabet
26 letters in the alphabet
26 huruf dalam alfabet
Ernie got wasted and Bert went flat
Ernie got wasted and Bert went flat
Ernie terbuang dan Bert pergi datar
They got kicked out and they can't come back
Mereka ditendang keluar dan mereka tidak bisa kembali
They got kicked out and they can't come back
Mereka ditendang keluar dan mereka tidak bisa kembali
So they're standing outside, singin'
Jadi mereka berdiri di luar, menyanyikan
Yeah, they're standing outside, singin'
Yeah, they're standing outside, singin'
Ya, mereka berdiri di luar, menyanyikan
Yeah, you know they outside
Ya, kau tahu mereka di luar
Do the Ernie (Who's inside?)
Lakukan Ernie (Siapa di dalam?)
Do the Bert (Who's outside?)
Do the Bert (Who's outside?)
Lakukan Bert (Siapa di luar?)
Shake your milky (Who's upside?)
Shake your milky (Who's upside?)
Kocok susumu (Siapa di atas?)
Chocolate shirt (Who's downside?)
Kaos coklat (Siapa di bawah?)
Chocolate shirt (Who's downside?)
Kaos coklat (Siapa di bawah?)
Do the Ernie (Who's inside?)
Lakukan Ernie (Siapa di dalam?)
(26 letters in the alphabet)
(26 letters in the alphabet)
(26 huruf dalam alfabet)
Do the Bert (Who's outside?)
Do the Bert (Who's outside?)
Lakukan Bert (Siapa di luar?)
Shake your milky (Who's upside?)
Shake your milky (Who's upside?)
Kocok susumu (Siapa di atas?)
(26 letters in the alphabet)
(26 letters in the alphabet)
(26 huruf dalam alfabet)
Chocolate shirt (Who's downside?)
Kaos coklat (Siapa di bawah?)
Chocolate shirt (Who's downside?)
Kaos coklat (Siapa di bawah?)
26 letters in the alphabet (Check it out!)
26 huruf dalam alfabet (Periksalah!)
26 letters in the alphabet (Here we go!)
26 letters in the alphabet (Here we go!)
26 huruf dalam alfabet (Di sini kita pergi!)
26 letters in the alphabet (Yeah!)
26 letters in the alphabet (Here we go!)
26 letters in the alphabet (Yeah!)
26 letters in the alphabet (Here we go!)
26 huruf dalam alfabet (Di sini kita pergi!)
26 letters in the alphabet (Woo!)
26 letters in the alphabet (Yeah!)
26 letters in the alphabet (Yeah!)
26 letters in the alphabet
26 huruf dalam alfabet
26 letters in the alphabet (Woo!)
26 letters in the alphabet (Yeah!)
26 letters in the alphabet (Yeah!)
26 letters in the alphabet
26 huruf dalam alfabet
Man, I didn't know I was so brain hurts
Bro, aku tidak tahu aku begitu pintar ... otakku sakit
My brain hurts!
My brain hurts!
Otakku sakit!