Terjemahan Lirik Nirvana - Seasons In The Sun

Goodbye my friend its hard to die
Selamat tinggal temanku ini sulit untuk mati
When all the birds are singing in the sky
Ketika semua burung-burung bernyanyi di langit
And all the flowers are everywhere
Dan semua bunga di mana-mana
Pretty girls are everywhere
gadis-gadis cantik di mana-mana
Think of me and I'll be there
Pikirkan aku dan aku akan berada di sana
Goodbye Papa, please pray for me
Selamat tinggal Papa, doakan aku
I was the black sheep of the family
Aku adalah kambing hitam dari keluarga
And I don't know all these words
Dan aku tidak tahu semua kata-kata ini
I had boggy turds
Aku punya turds berawa
With my b.b. gun I would kill birds
Dengan b.b. -ku pistol Aku akan membunuh burung 
We had joy, we had fun
Kita memiliki sukacita, kita bersenang-senang
We had seasons in the sun
Kita memiliki musim di bawah sinar matahari
But the hills that we climbed
Tapi bukit yang kita naiki
Were just seasons out of time
Hanya musim dari waktu 
All our lives, we had fun
Seluruh hidup kita, kita bersenang-senang
We had seasons in the sun
Kita memiliki musim di bawah sinar matahari
But the world that we reached
Tetapi dunia yang kita capai
Were just starfish on the beach
Hanya bintang laut di pantai 
Goodbye Michelle, my little one
Selamat tinggal Michelle, si kecil satu-ku
I was the apple of the shining sun
Aku adalah apel dari matahari bersinar
Another apple out of reach
Apel lain di luar jangkauan
All my tears are salty
Semua air mataku asin
I think now I was taught to weep
Aku pikir sekarang aku diajarkan untuk menangis 
We had joy, we had fun
Kita memiliki sukacita, kita bersenang-senang
We had seasons in the sun
Kita memiliki musim di bawah sinar matahari
All the hills that we climb
Semua bukit yang kita daki
Were the seasons out of time
Adalah musim dari waktu 
We had joy. We had fun
Kita memiliki sukacita. Kita bersenang-senang
We had seasons in the sun
Kita memiliki musim di bawah sinar matahari
But the hill on the beach
Tapi bukit di pantai
Were just starfish on the beach
Hanya bintang laut di pantai 
We had joy, we had fun
Kita memiliki sukacita. Kita bersenang-senang
We had seasons in the sun
Kita memiliki musim di bawah sinar matahari
But the hills that we climb
Tapi perbukitan yang kita daki
Were just seasons out of time
Hanya musim dari waktu 
Ah the joy, we had fun
Ah sukacita, kita bersenang-senang
We had seasons in the sun
Kita memiliki musim di bawah sinar matahari
But the stars that we reached
Tapi bintang yang kita capai
Were just starfish on the beach
Hanya bintang laut di pantai

Updated at: 8:59 PM