Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Pink Floyd - Hey You

Hey, you!
Hei kau!
Out there in the cold
Di luar sana di udara dingin
Getting lonely, getting old.
Menjadi kesepian, menjadi tua.
Can you feel me?
Bisakah kau merasakanku?
Hey, you!
Hei kau!
Standing in the aisles
Berdiri di gang
With itchy feet and fading smiles.
Dengan kaki gatal dan senyuman pudar.
Can you feel me?
Bisakah kau merasakanku?
Hey, you!
Hei kau!
Don't help them to bury the light.
Jangan bantu mereka mengubur cahaya.
Don't give in without a fight.
Jangan menyerah tanpa perlawanan.
Hey, you!
Hei kau!
Out there on your own
Di luar sana sendiri
Sitting naked by the phone.
Duduk telanjang di telepon.
Would you touch me?
Apakah kau menyentuhku?
Hey, you!
Hei kau!
With your ear against the wall
Dengan telinga menempel di dinding
Waiting for someone to call out.
Menunggu seseorang memanggil.
Would you touch me?
Apakah kau menyentuhku?
Hey, you!
Hei kau!
Would you help me to carry the stone?
Maukah kau membantuku untuk membawa batu itu?
Open your heart, I'm coming home
Buka hatimu, aku pulang
But it was only fantasy.
Tapi itu hanya fantasi.
The wall was too high as you can see.
Dindingnya terlalu tinggi seperti yang kau lihat.
No matter how he tried he could not break free.
Tidak peduli bagaimana dia mencoba, dia tidak bisa membebaskan diri.
And the worms ate into his brain.
Dan cacing itu memakan otaknya.
Hey, you!
Hei kau!
Out there on the road,
Di luar sana di jalan,
Always doing what you're told.
Selalu melakukan apa yang diperintahkan.
Can you help me?
Bisakah kau membantuku?
Hey, you!
Hei kau!
Out there beyond the wall,
Di luar sana di luar tembok,
Breaking bottles in the hall.
Memecah botol di aula.
Can you help me?
Bisakah kau membantuku?
Hey, you!
Hei kau!
Don't tell me there's no hope at all.
Jangan katakan padaku tidak ada harapan sama sekali.
Together we stand,
Bersama kita berdiri,
Divided we fall
Bercerai kita runtuh

Updated at: 9:58 PM