All the time, every time I need it.
Sepanjang waktu, setiap kali aku membutuhkannya.
What's the time?
What's the time?
I'd say the time is right.
I'd say the time is right.
Aku akan mengatakan waktunya tepat.
Here's to me.
Here's to me.
Ini untukku
Let's find another reason.
Let's find another reason.
Mari kita cari alasan lain.
Down the hatch and a bad attitude.
Down the hatch and a bad attitude.
Tiba menetas dan sikap buruk.
Wasting time
Membuang-buang waktu
Wasting time down a bum f*ck road.
Wasting time down a bum f*ck road.
Membuang-buang waktu menyusuri jalan gelandangan.
And I don't know where the h*ll it'll go.
And I don't know where the h*ll it'll go.
Dan aku tidak tahu di mana sih itu akan menuju.
Heirlooms and huffing fumes, and I'm picking up the pace
Heirlooms and huffing fumes, and I'm picking up the pace
Pusaka dan asap terengah, dan aku mengambil kecepatan
and I'm gonna smash straight into a wall.
Dan aku akan menghancurkan langsung ke dinding.
and I'm gonna smash straight into a wall.
Dan aku akan menghancurkan langsung ke dinding.
All the time.
Sepanjang waktu.
A "New Year's Resolution"
A "New Year's Resolution"
Sebuah "Resolusi Tahun Baru"
How soon that we forget.
How soon that we forget.
Seberapa cepat yang kita lupa.
Doing time.
Doing time.
Melakukan waktu.
Loving every minute.
Loving every minute.
Mencintai setiap menit.
Live it up on another let down.
Live it up on another let down.
Jaani itu di kekecewaan lain.
Promises, promises, it was all set in stone, cross my heart and hope to die.
Janji, janji, itu semua diatur dalam batu, menyeberangi hatiku dan berharap untuk mati.
Sugar fix, dirty tricks and a trick question.
Sugar fix, dirty tricks and a trick question.
Gula memperbaiki, trik kotor dan pertanyaan jebakan.
Guess I should have read between the lines.
Guess I should have read between the lines.
Kukira aku harus membaca yang tersirat.
Having the time of my life, watching the clock tick.
Having the time of my life, watching the clock tick.
Memiliki waktu hidupku, menyaksikan jam berdetak.
Having the time of my life, watching the clock tick.
Having the time of my life, watching the clock tick.
Memiliki waktu hidupku, menyaksikan jam berdetak.
All the time, where did all the time go?
Sepanjang waktu, kemana sepanjang waktu pergi?
It's too late to say goodnight.
It's too late to say goodnight.
Sudah terlambat untuk mengucapkan selamat malam.
Time flies when you're having fun, yeah.
Time flies when you're having fun, yeah.
Waktu berlalu ketika kau sedang bersenang-senang, ya.
Time's up when you work like a dog.
Time's up when you work like a dog.
Waktu habis saat kau bekerja seperti anjing.