Hey, man, it's been a while
Hei, man, itu sudah lama
Do you remember me?
Do you remember me?
Apakah kau ingat aku?
When I hit the streets I was 17
When I hit the streets I was 17
Ketika aku pergi telusuri jalan aku berumur 17
A little wild, a little green
A little wild, a little green
Sedikit liar, sedikit polos
I've been up and down and in between
I've been up and down and in between
Aku sudah naik dan turun dan di antaranya
After all these years and miles of memories
After all these years and miles of memories
Setelah bertahun-tahun dan bermil-mil dari kenangan
I'm still chasing dreams
I'm still chasing dreams
Aku masih mengejar mimpi
But I ain't looking over my shoulder
Tapi aku tidak melihat dari atas bahuku.
But I ain't looking over my shoulder
Tapi aku tidak melihat dari atas bahuku.
I like the bed I'm sleeping in
Aku suka ranjang yang aku tiduri
It's just like me, it's broken in
It's just like me, it's broken in
Ini seperti aku, itu rusak
It's not old - just older
It's not old - just older
Ini bukan tua - hanya lebih tua
Like a favorite pair of torn blue jeans
Like a favorite pair of torn blue jeans
Seperti sepasang jeans biru robek favorit
This skin I'm in it's alright with me
This skin I'm in it's alright with me
Kulit ini aku di itu baik-baik saja denganku
It's not old - just older
Ini bukan tua - hanya lebih tua
It's not old - just older
Ini bukan tua - hanya lebih tua
It's good to see your face
Ini bagus untuk melihat wajahmu
You ain't no worse for wear
You ain't no worse for wear
Kau tidak tidak buruk untuk memakainya
Breathing that California air
Breathing that California air
Hirup udara California itu
When we took on the world
When we took on the world
Ketika kita mengambil dunia
When we were young and brave
When we were young and brave
Ketika kita masih muda dan berani
We got secrets that we'll take to the grave
We got secrets that we'll take to the grave
Kita punya rahasia yang akan kita ambil untuk kubur
And we're standing here shoulder to shoulder
Dan kita berdiri di sini bahu-membahu
And we're standing here shoulder to shoulder
Dan kita berdiri di sini bahu-membahu
I like the bed I'm sleeping in
Aku suka ranjang yang aku tiduri
It's just like me, it's broken in
It's just like me, it's broken in
Ini seperti aku, itu rusak
It's not old - just older
It's not old - just older
Ini bukan tua - hanya lebih tua
Like a favorite pair of torn blue jeans
Like a favorite pair of torn blue jeans
Seperti sepasang jeans biru robek favorit
This skin I'm in it's alright with me
This skin I'm in it's alright with me
Kulit ini aku di itu baik-baik saja denganku
It's not old - just older
Ini bukan tua - hanya lebih tua
It's not old - just older
Ini bukan tua - hanya lebih tua
I'm not old enough to sing the blues
Aku tidak cukup tua untuk menyanyi blues
But I wore the holes in the soles of these shoes
But I wore the holes in the soles of these shoes
Tapi aku memakai lubang di sol sepatu ini
You can roll the dice 'til they call your bluff
You can roll the dice 'til they call your bluff
Kau dapat melempar dadu hingga mereka menggertakmu
But you can't win until you're not afraid to lose
Tapi kau tidak bisa menang sampai kau tidak takut kehilangan
But you can't win until you're not afraid to lose
Tapi kau tidak bisa menang sampai kau tidak takut kehilangan
Well, I look in the mirror
Nah, aku melihat di cermin
I don't hate what I see
I don't hate what I see
Aku tidak membenci apa yang aku lihat
There's a few more lines staring back at me
There's a few more lines staring back at me
Ada lebih beberapa baris menatap kembali padaku
Now the nights has grown a little colder
Now the nights has grown a little colder
Sekarang malam telah tumbuh sedikit dingin
Hey man, I gotta run
Hey man, I gotta run
Hey man, aku harus lari
Now you take care
Now you take care
Sekarang kau hati-hatilah
If you see coach T. Tell him I've cut my hair
If you see coach T. Tell him I've cut my hair
Jika kau melihat pelatih T. Katakan padanya aku sudah memotong rambutku
I've kept my faith
I've kept my faith
Aku jaga keyakinanku
I still believe I'm just...
I still believe I'm just...
Aku masih percaya aku hanya ...