What brings you around?
Apa yang membawamu ke sekitar?.
Did you lose something the last time you were here?
Did you lose something the last time you were here?
Apakah kau kehilangan sesuatu saat terakhir kali kau berada di sini?
You'll never find it now
You'll never find it now
Kau tidak akan pernah menemukannya sekarang
It's buried deep with your identity
Itu terkubur dalam-dalam dengan identitasmu
It's buried deep with your identity
Itu terkubur dalam-dalam dengan identitasmu
So stand aside and let the next one pass
Jadi berdiri di samping dan membiarkan satu berikutnya lewat
Don't let the door kick you in the a*s
Jangan biarkan pintu menendangmu di pantat
Don't let the door kick you in the a*s
Jangan biarkan pintu menendangmu di pantat
There's no return from 86
There's no return from 86
There's no return from 86
There's no return from 86
Tidak ada jawaban dari 86
Don't even try...
Jangan pernah mencoba ...
Don't even try...
Jangan pernah mencoba ...
Exit out the back
Keluar dari belakang
And never show your head around again
And never show your head around again
Dan jangan pernah menunjukkan kepalamu di sekitar lagi
Purchase your ticket
Purchase your ticket
Pesan tiketmu
And quickly take the last train out of town
And quickly take the last train out of town
Dan cepat mengambil kereta terakhir keluar dari kota