Baby the time is right to tell it all like it is
sayang waktu yang tepat untuk memberitahu semuanya seperti itu adalah
And now that I feel god like there's nothing that can't be kissed
And now that I feel god like there's nothing that can't be kissed
Dan sekarang aku merasa dewa seperti tidak ada yang tidak bisa mencium
The name of a lonely soul is scratched into my brain
The name of a lonely soul is scratched into my brain
Nama jiwa kesepian menggores ke dalam otakku
He thought he was king creole
He thought he was king creole
Dia pikir dia Raja Kreol
Until he found out, until he found out
Sampai ia menemukan, sampai ia menemukan.
Until he found out, until he found out
Sampai ia menemukan, sampai ia menemukan.
He sits upon a throne
I can see a liar, sitting by the fire
Dia duduk di atas tahta
He lives a sleazy lie
He lives a sleazy lie
Dia jalani kebohongan busuk
But he's all alone again, again
Tapi dia sendirian lagi, lagi
But he's all alone again, again
Tapi dia sendirian lagi, lagi
I can see a liar, sitting by the fire
Aku bisa melihat pembohong, duduk di samping api
Trouble in his heart, laughing at the thought
Trouble in his heart, laughing at the thought
Kesulitan dalam hatinya, menertawakan pikiran
Coming as he goes into overdose
Coming as he goes into overdose
Datang saat ia masuk hingga overdosis
I wonder what he thinks of me?
Aku ingin tahu apa yang dia pikir tentangku?
I wonder what he thinks of me?
Aku ingin tahu apa yang dia pikir tentangku?