They say that everyone wants someone
Mereka mengatakan bahwa semua orang menginginkan seseorang.
So how come no one wants me
So how come no one wants me
Jadi kenapa tidak ada yang menginginkanku.
They say that everyone wants someone
Mereka mengatakan bahwa semua orang menginginkan seseorang.
So how come no one wants me
Jadi kenapa tidak ada yang menginginkanku.So how come no one wants me
Well if you wonder who the loneliest creatures in the world can be
Nah jika kau bertanya-tanya siapa makhluk paling kesepian di dunia.
Well they're the ugly duckling, the little black sheep, and me
Well they're the ugly duckling, the little black sheep, and me
Nah mereka itik buruk rupa, domba hitam kecil, dan aku.
Uh huh
They say that everyone loves someone
Uh huh
They say that everyone loves someone
Mereka mengatakan bahwa setiap orang mencintai seseorang.
So how come no one loves me
Jadi kenapa tidak ada yang mencintaiku.
So how come no one loves me
Jadi kenapa tidak ada yang mencintaiku.
Well if you wonder who the loneliest creatures in the world can be
Nah jika kau bertanya-tanya siapa makhluk paling kesepian di dunia.
Well they're the ugly duckling, the little black sheep, and me
Well they're the ugly duckling, the little black sheep, and me
Nah mereka itik buruk rupa, domba hitam kecil, dan aku.
Uh huh
They say that everyone loves someone
Uh huh
They say that everyone loves someone
Mereka mengatakan bahwa setiap orang mencintai seseorang.
So how come no one loves me
So how come no one loves me
So how come no one loves me
So how come no one loves me
Jadi kenapa tidak ada yang mencintaiku.
So how come no one loves me
Jadi kenapa tidak ada yang mencintaiku.