Lady Madonna, children at your feet
nyonya Madonna, anak-anak di kakimu.
Wonder how you manage to make ends meet
Wonder how you manage to make ends meet
Bertanya-tanya bagaimana kau mengatur untuk memenuhi kebutuhan.
Who finds the money? When you pay the rent?
Who finds the money? When you pay the rent?
siapa yang menemukan uang? Ketika kau membayar sewa?.
Did you think that money was Heaven sent?
Did you think that money was Heaven sent?
Apakah kau berpikir bahwa uang itu dikirim dari surga?.
Friday night arrives without a suitcase
Friday night arrives without a suitcase
Jumat malam tiba tanpa koper.
Sunday morning creep in like a nun
Sunday morning creep in like a nun
Minggu pagi merayap seperti biarawati.
Monday's child has learned to tie his bootlace
Monday's child has learned to tie his bootlace
Anak Senin telah belajar untuk mengikat bootlacenya.
See how they run
Lihat bagaimana mereka lari.
See how they run
Lihat bagaimana mereka lari.
Lady Madonna, baby at your breast
nyonya Madonna, bayi pada payudaramu.
Wonder how you manage to feed the rest
Bertanya-tanya bagaimana kau mengatur untuk memberi makan sisanya.
Wonder how you manage to feed the rest
Bertanya-tanya bagaimana kau mengatur untuk memberi makan sisanya.
See how they run
Lihat bagaimana mereka lari.
Lady Madonna, lying on the bed
nyonya Madonna, berbaring di tempat tidur.
Listen to the music playing in your head
Mendengarkan musik yang bermain di kepalamu.
Listen to the music playing in your head
Mendengarkan musik yang bermain di kepalamu.
Tuesday afternoon is never ending
Selasa sore tidak pernah berakhir.
Wednesday morning papers didn't come
Wednesday morning papers didn't come
Rabu koran pagi tidak datang.
Thursday night you stockings needed mending
Thursday night you stockings needed mending
Kamis malam kaos kakimu perlu diperbaiki.
See how they run
Lihat bagaimana mereka lari.
See how they run
Lihat bagaimana mereka lari.
Lady Madonna, children at your feet
nyonya Madonna, anak-anak di kakimu.
Wonder how you manage to make ends meet
Bertanya-tanya bagaimana kau mengatur untuk memenuhi kebutuhan.Wonder how you manage to make ends meet