As they search for blood,
Saat mereka mencari darah.
All eyes descend on one.
All eyes descend on one.
Semua mata tertuju pada seseorang.
Honest man in chains,
Honest man in chains,
Orang jujur yang terantai.
But that don't matter anyway.
But that don't matter anyway.
Tapi itu tidak penting pula.
My judgement day.
hari penghakimanku.
My judgement day.
hari penghakimanku.
My flesh will feed the demon,
Dagingku akan memberi makan setan.
No trial, no case for reason.
No trial, no case for reason.
Tidak ada sidang, tidak ada kasus untuk alasan.
I've been chosen to pay with my life.
I've been chosen to pay with my life.
Aku telah memilih untuk membayar dengan hidupku.
Mad men define what mad is,
Mad men define what mad is,
Pria gila mendefinisikan apa itu gila.
Turning witches and saints to ashes.
Turning witches and saints to ashes.
Menghidupkan penyihir dan orang-orang kudus menjadi abu.
Rising masses marching to find,
Rising masses marching to find,
Naik massa berbaris untuk menemukan.
Heretic blood.
darah sesat.
Heretic blood.
darah sesat.
Impose your will on me,
Memaksakan kehendakmu padaku.
'Til fire sets me free.
'Til fire sets me free.
sampai api membebaskanku.
The flames of hell burn bright,
The flames of hell burn bright,
Api neraka membakar cerah.
My fate decided by their lies.
My fate decided by their lies.
Nasibku diputuskan oleh kebohongan mereka.
Final demise.
Kematian akhir.
Final demise.
Kematian akhir.
Please don't leave me,
Jangan tinggalkan aku.
Please don't leave me like this.
Please don't leave me like this.
Jangan tinggalkan aku seperti ini.
I've walked a fragile line and I've fallen down,
I've walked a fragile line and I've fallen down,
Aku sudah berjalan di garis rapuh dan aku telah terjatuh.
Please don't leave me
Please don't leave me
Jangan tinggalkan aku.