When I call you up
Ketika aku meneleponmu.
Your line's engaged
Your line's engaged
teleponmu sibuk..
I have had enough
I have had enough
aku sudah cukup.
So act your age
So act your age
Jadi bertindaklah sesuai usiamu.
We have lost the time
We have lost the time
Kita telah kehilangan waktu.
That was so hard to find
That was so hard to find
itu begitu sulit untuk menemukan.
And I will lose my mind
And I will lose my mind
Dan aku akan kehilangan pikiranku.
If you won't see me (You won't see me)
If you won't see me (You won't see me)
Jika kau tak akan melihatku (kau tak akan melihatku).
You won't see me (You won't see me)
kau tak akan melihatku (kau tak akan melihatku).
You won't see me (You won't see me)
kau tak akan melihatku (kau tak akan melihatku).
I don't know why you
Aku tak tahu mengapa kau.
Should want to hide
Should want to hide
ingin bersembunyi.
But I can't get through
But I can't get through
Tapi aku tidak bisa melaluinya.
My hands are tied
My hands are tied
Tanganku terikat.
I won't want to stay
I won't want to stay
Aku tidak akan mau tinggal.
I don't have much to say
I don't have much to say
Aku tidak punya banyak untuk dikatakan.
But I can't turn away
But I can't turn away
Tapi aku tidak bisa berpaling.
and you won't see me (You won't see me)
and you won't see me (You won't see me)
dan kau tak akan melihatku (kau tak akan melihatku).
You won't see me (You won't see me)
kau tak akan melihatku (kau tak akan melihatku).
You won't see me (You won't see me)
kau tak akan melihatku (kau tak akan melihatku).
Time after time
You refuse to even listen
You refuse to even listen
kau menolak bahkan untuk mendengarkan.
I wouldn't mind
I wouldn't mind
Aku tidak keberatan.
If I knew what I was missing
Jika aku tahu apa yang hilang dariku.
If I knew what I was missing
Jika aku tahu apa yang hilang dariku.
Though the days are few
Meskipun beberapa hari.
They're filled with tears
They're filled with tears
Mereka penuh dengan air mata.
And since I lost you
And since I lost you
Dan sejak aku kehilangan dirimu.
It feels like years
It feels like years
Rasanya seperti bertahun-tahun.
Yes, it seems so long
Yes, it seems so long
Ya, tampaknya begitu lama.
Girl, since you've been gone
Girl, since you've been gone
Gadis, sejak kau sudah pergi.
And I just can't go on
And I just can't go on
Dan aku tidak bisa pergi.
If you won't see me (You won't see me)
Jika kau tak akan melihatku (kau tak akan melihatku).
You won't see me (You won't see me)
kau tak akan melihatku (kau tak akan melihatku).
You won't see me (You won't see me)
kau tak akan melihatku (kau tak akan melihatku).
Time after time
You refuse to even listen
You refuse to even listen
kau menolak bahkan untuk mendengarkan.
I wouldn't mind
I wouldn't mind
Aku tidak keberatan.
If I knew what I was missing
Jika aku tahu apa yang hilang dariku.
If I knew what I was missing
Jika aku tahu apa yang hilang dariku.
Though the days are few
Meskipun beberapa hari.
They're filled with tears
They're filled with tears
Mereka penuh dengan air mata.
And since I lost you
And since I lost you
Dan sejak aku kehilangan dirimu.
It feels like years
It feels like years
Rasanya seperti bertahun-tahun.
Yes, it seems so long
Yes, it seems so long
Ya, tampaknya begitu lama.
Girl, since you've been gone
Girl, since you've been gone
Gadis, sejak kau sudah pergi.
And I just can't go on
And I just can't go on
Dan aku tidak bisa pergi.
If you won't see me (You won't see me)
Jika kau tak akan melihatku (kau tak akan melihatku).
You won't see me (You won't see me)
kau tak akan melihatku (kau tak akan melihatku).
You won't see me (You won't see me)
kau tak akan melihatku (kau tak akan melihatku).