Lirik Nirvana - Misery Loves Company

To hope is admittance
Berharap ini masuk.
Feed before beginning
Umpan sebelum awal
Double-sided cynics
sinis dua sisi
Reflected images
gambar tercermin
Don't be so selfish
Jangan terlalu egois
Leaving me this
Meninggalkanku ini
Follow it far
Mengikutinya jauh
To find where you are
Untuk menemukan di mana kau berada
You haven't grown
Kau belum tumbuh
Go on alone
Pergi sendirian 
Never finished his sentence
Tidak pernah menyelesaikan kalimatnya
Remained in seclusion
Tetap di pengasingan
For the next few days
Selama beberapa hari ke depan
Family is circuling
Keluarga berputar-putar
He having moved up
Dia telah naik
All the styles of heresy
Semua gaya ajaran sesat
Finally he appeared unexpectedly
Akhirnya ia muncul tiba-tiba
Looking for company
Mencari perusahaan

Updated at: 7:17 PM