Give it up to this time full of strife
Menyerah untuk saat ini penuh dengan perselisihan
Get down, you might be f*cking with the song of life
Get down, you might be f*cking with the song of life
Turun, kau mungkin kacau dengan lagu kehidupan
Extend your deeper senses, there will be no fight
Extend your deeper senses, there will be no fight
Memperpanjang inderamu lebih dalam, tidak akan ada pertarungan
At the never ending ocean of perfect insights
At the never ending ocean of perfect insights
Pada laut tidak pernah berakhir wawasan sempurna
'Round your molecule beam with a halo of light
'Round your molecule beam with a halo of light
Sekitar balok molekulmu dengan lingkaran cahaya
The animated aura will give delight
The animated aura will give delight
Aura animasi akan memberikan kegembiraan
Soon, your every single worry will be out of sight
Segera, setiap khawatir tunggal kau akan keluar dari pandangan.
Soon, your every single worry will be out of sight
Segera, setiap khawatir tunggal kau akan keluar dari pandangan.
With the power of It, we are about to astound
Dengan kekuatan ini, kita akan takjub
All your preconceptions, they will come unbound
All your preconceptions, they will come unbound
Semua prasangkamu, mereka akan datang tidak terikat
"Listen very close," my inner voice expounds
"Listen very close," my inner voice expounds
"Dengar sangat dekat," suara batinku menguraikan
"We are the human race, and we groove to the sound"
"We are the human race, and we groove to the sound"
"Kita adalah umat manusia, dan kita aluri untuk suara"
Yes, we deliver the truth to our musical birth
Yes, we deliver the truth to our musical birth
Ya, kita memberikan kebenaran kepada kelahiran musik kita
A soul shocking sound with electrify the earth
A soul shocking sound with electrify the earth
Jiwa suara mengejutkan dengan menggemparkan bumi
People have to know that it's not about money
People have to know that it's not about money
Orang harus tahu bahwa ini bukan tentang uang
Cash is not the way to make your life sunny
Cash is not the way to make your life sunny
Uang tunai bukan cara untuk membuat hidupmu cerah
There is no need if you got the soul seed
There is no need if you got the soul seed
Tidak perlu jika kau punya benih jiwa
Love, life and peace, it can only begin
Love, life and peace, it can only begin
Cinta, hidup dan damai sejahtera, hanya dapat dimulai
When you know in your heart that the change is within
When you know in your heart that the change is within
Bila kau tahu di dalam hatimu bahwa perubahan itu dalam
Love all your brothers and love all your sisters
Love all your brothers and love all your sisters
Mencintai semua saudaramu dan mencintai semua saudarimu
Love all the missus and love all the misses
Love all the missus and love all the misses
Cintai semua Nona dan mencintai semua nyonya
And don't be shy when you're sharing your kisses
And don't be shy when you're sharing your kisses
Dan jangan malu-malu ketika kau berbagi ciumanmu
Greed, jealousy gets boos and hisses
Keserakahan, kecemburuan mendapat ejekan dan mendesis
Greed, jealousy gets boos and hisses
Keserakahan, kecemburuan mendapat ejekan dan mendesis
What it is, what it is, so much to be found
Apa itu, apa itu, begitu banyak yang harus ditemukan
What it is, what it is, groove down to the sounds
What it is, what it is, groove down to the sounds
Apa itu, apa itu, alur ke suara
What it is, what it is, what it is in a song
What it is, what it is, what it is in a song
Apa itu, apa itu, apa itu dalam sebuah lagu
What it is, what it is, you can do no wrong
Apa itu, apa itu, kau tidak bisa berbuat salah
What it is, what it is, you can do no wrong
Apa itu, apa itu, kau tidak bisa berbuat salah
Balance your life with the right kind of foods
Menyeimbangkan kehidupanmu dengan makanan yang tepat
To eat a sad cow is to eat another you
To eat a sad cow is to eat another you
Untuk makan sapi menyedihkan adalah untuk makan lainmu
Well, that's an unfair rap, it's unforgivably rude
Well, that's an unfair rap, it's unforgivably rude
Nah, itu sebuah rap tidak adil, itu tak termaafkan kasar
It'll put your Karma in the worst of moods
It'll put your Karma in the worst of moods
Ini akan menempatkan Karma terburuk dari suasana hati
Someone's drinking booze and taking too many ludes
Someone's drinking booze and taking too many ludes
Seseorang minum minuman keras dan mengambil terlalu banyak ludes
'Cause when you cop, don't you cop an attitude
'Cause when you cop, don't you cop an attitude
Karena ketika kau polisi, jangan kau bersikap polisi
And that's an ugly thing, it's not the real you
And that's an ugly thing, it's not the real you
Dan itu hal yang jelek, itu tidak nyata dirimu
So please y'all, take some sound advice
So please y'all, take some sound advice
Jadi silahkan kalian, mengambil beberapa saran suara
Be yourself, clear your mind, make a sacrifice
Be yourself, clear your mind, make a sacrifice
Jadilah diri sendiri, membersihkan pikiranmu, berkorban
The always sober you is especialy nice
Kau selalu mabuk adalah sangat bagus
The always sober you is especialy nice
Kau selalu mabuk adalah sangat bagus
Don't loot, don't shout, give comet the boot
Jangan menjarah, jangan berteriak, memberikan komet boot
I love it kickin' back and playin' my bamboo flute
I love it kickin' back and playin' my bamboo flute
Aku menyukainya menendang kembali dan main'suling bambuku
Refuse to fight wars for political whores
Refuse to fight wars for political whores
Menolak untuk berperang untuk pelacur politik
Unsurpassed peace lines the salt water shores
Unsurpassed peace lines the salt water shores
Garis perdamaian tak tertandingi tepi air garam
It is my notion that the perfect peace potion
It is my notion that the perfect peace potion
Ini adalah gagasanku bahwa ramuan kedamaian yang sempurna
Can be found in the wake of the green sea ocean
Can be found in the wake of the green sea ocean
Dapat ditemukan di bangun dari lautan hijau laut
The long rocky swells of the mighty blue ocean
The long rocky swells of the mighty blue ocean
Membengkak berbatu panjang dari samudra biru perkasa
Is the cradle of peace, it's the perfect peace potion
Is the cradle of peace, it's the perfect peace potion
Apakah ayunan perdamaian, itu ramuan perdamaian sempurna
There you will find it, with sweet sea creatures
There you will find it, with sweet sea creatures
Di sana kau akan menemukannya, dengan makhluk laut yang manis
The smile of a dolphin is a built-in feature
The smile of a dolphin is a built-in feature
Senyum lumba-lumba adalah fitur terbangun
We will learn much peace will the whale as your teacher
We will learn much peace will the whale as your teacher
Kita akan belajar banyak kedamaian akankah paus sebagai gurumu
"Good morning class, how very nice to meet you"
"Selamat pagi kelas, betapa senangnya bertemu kalian"
"Good morning class, how very nice to meet you"
"Selamat pagi kelas, betapa senangnya bertemu kalian"
What it is, what it is, so much to be found
Apa itu, apa itu, begitu banyak yang harus ditemukan
What it is, what it is, groove down to the sounds
What it is, what it is, groove down to the sounds
Apa itu, apa itu, alur ke suara
What it is, what it is, what it is in a song
Apa itu, apa itu, apa itu dalam sebuah laguWhat it is, what it is, what it is in a song
What it is, what it is, you can do no wrong
Apa itu, apa itu, kau tidak bisa berbuat salah
Open up your hearts to the planets; to the stars
Membuka hatimu ke planet; ke bintang-bintang
With your spirit take a trip from Venus to Mars
With your spirit take a trip from Venus to Mars
Dengan semangatmu melakukan perjalanan dari Venus ke Mars
You know, Einstein did while Hitler hid
You know, Einstein did while Hitler hid
Kau tahu, Einstein lakukan ketika Hitler bersembunyi
Now, Albert lives forever in every single kid
Now, Albert lives forever in every single kid
Sekarang, Albert hidup selamanya di setiap anak tunggal
But, with Adolph Hitler, we are permanently rid
But, with Adolph Hitler, we are permanently rid
Tapi, dengan Adolph Hitler, kita secara permanen menyingkirkan
Picasso, Mister Dali and my man, Jimi Hendrix
Picasso, Mister Dali and my man, Jimi Hendrix
Picasso, Mr Dali dan laki-lakiku, Jimi Hendrix
These cool brothers make the world go 'round
These cool brothers make the world go 'round
Ini saudara keren membuat dunia sekitar
Yeah, they do it with art, and Jimy did it with sound
Yeah, they do it with art, and Jimy did it with sound
Ya, mereka melakukannya dengan seni, dan Jimy melakukannya dengan suara
But, by all these men, it was found
But, by all these men, it was found
Tapi, dengan segala orang-orang ini, ditemukan
Each and every person can be just as renowned
Each and every person can be just as renowned
Masing-masing dan setiap orang bisa sama terkenal
Don't let the world's racist creeds give your pretty face a frown
Don't let the world's racist creeds give your pretty face a frown
Jangan biarkan keyakinan rasis di dunia memberikan wajah cantikmu cemberut
Stand up for equal rights, I mean buckle down
Stand up for equal rights, I mean buckle down
Membela hak-hak yang sama, maksudku bekerja keras
Go spread the word from town to town
Go spread the word from town to town
Pergi menyebarkan berita dari kota ke kota
We are the human race and we groove to the sounds
Kita adalah umat manusia dan kita alur untuk suara
We are the human race and we groove to the sounds
Kita adalah umat manusia dan kita alur untuk suara
Now that you've heard what it is in a song
Sekarang bahwa kau pernah mendengar apa itu dalam sebuah lagu
From here on in, you can do not wrong
Dari sini, kau tak dapat melakukan salah
From here on in, you can do not wrong
Dari sini, kau tak dapat melakukan salah