It was the mortal passion
Itu gairah fana
The flame that lit the fire
The flame that lit the fire
Api yang menyalakan api
The beauty of the starlight
The beauty of the starlight
Keindahan cahaya bintang
Brought the cruelty of desire
Membawa kekejaman dari keinginan.
Brought the cruelty of desire
Membawa kekejaman dari keinginan.
A lovers link was broken
Sebuah link pecinta rusak
Another's vengeful plan
Another's vengeful plan
Rencananya dendam lainnya
Was contrived through jealous hatred
Was contrived through jealous hatred
Itu dibuat melalui kebencian cemburu
For a cross of God and man
Untuk lintasan dari Tuhan dan manusia
For a cross of God and man
Untuk lintasan dari Tuhan dan manusia
I hope it will turn out so
Aku berharap ini akan sangat berubah
But I can't help being afraid
But I can't help being afraid
Tapi aku tidak bisa membantu ketakutan
Perception is hindered by lust
Perception is hindered by lust
Persepsi terhalang oleh nafsu
To be sure of the choice you have made
Untuk memastikan pilihan yang telah kau buat
To be sure of the choice you have made
Untuk memastikan pilihan yang telah kau buat
Grant me this request, please
Berilah aku permintaan ini, kumohon
Just promise me your word
Just promise me your word
Hanya janjikan aku katamu
Attest to the mighty river
Attest to the mighty river
Membuktikan sungai besar
Let the truth be heard!
Biarkan kebenaran didengar!
Let the truth be heard!
Biarkan kebenaran didengar!
She asked to see the power
Dia diminta untuk melihat kekuatan
His realm of life and love
His realm of life and love
Negerinya dari kehidupan dan cinta
His godly immortality
His godly immortality
Keabadian baik
The thunder roared above
Guntur bergemuruh di atas
The thunder roared above
Guntur bergemuruh di atas
Her words were so quickly spoken
Kata-katanya begitu cepat diucapkan
Lest he stop her from the deed
Lest he stop her from the deed
Jangan sampai ia menghentikannya dari perbuatan
I gave you my word, now my love
I gave you my word, now my love
Aku memberi kata-kataku, sekarang cintaku
Your grim request I shall heed!
Permintaan murammu aku akan mengindahkan!
Your grim request I shall heed!
Permintaan murammu aku akan mengindahkan!
Leaving his maiden
Meninggalkan pertamanya
He rose to the sky
He rose to the sky
Dia naik ke langit
Returning in splendors
Returning in splendors
Kembali di kemegahan
To earth he did fly
To earth he did fly
Ke bumi ia terbang
Subject to presence
Subject to presence
Tunduk pada kehadiran
Too brilliant to face
Too brilliant to face
Terlalu brilian untuk menghadapi
Another had killed passions grace
Kesukaan lain telah membunuh rahmat
Another had killed passions grace
Kesukaan lain telah membunuh rahmat