Is our secret safe tonight
Apakah rahasia kita aman malam ini
And are we out of sight
And are we out of sight
Dan kita keluar dari pandangan
Or will our world come tumbling down?
Or will our world come tumbling down?
Atau akankah dunia kita datang runtuh?
Will they find our hiding place
Will they find our hiding place
Akankah mereka menemukan tempat persembunyian kita
Is this our last embrace
Is this our last embrace
Apakah ini pelukan terakhir kita
Or will the walls start caving in?
Atau akankah dinding mulai mengalah?.
Or will the walls start caving in?
Atau akankah dinding mulai mengalah?.
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) But it should have been right
(Ini bisa saja salah, bisa saja salah) Tapi seharusnya sudah tepat
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) To let our hearts ignite
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) To let our hearts ignite
(Ini bisa saja salah, bisa saja salah) Untuk membiarkan hati kita menyalakan
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) Are we digging a hole?
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) Are we digging a hole?
(Ini bisa saja salah, bisa saja salah) Apakah kita menggali lubang?
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) This is out of control
(Ini bisa saja salah, bisa saja salah) ini adalah di luar kendali
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) This is out of control
(Ini bisa saja salah, bisa saja salah) ini adalah di luar kendali
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) It could never last
(Ini bisa saja salah, bisa saja salah) ini bisa tak pernah berakhir
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) Must erase it fast
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) Must erase it fast
(Ini bisa saja salah, bisa saja salah) Harus menghapusnya cepat
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) But it could have been right
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) But it could have been right
(Ini bisa saja salah, bisa saja salah) Tapi itu bisa saja benar
(It could be wrong, could be...)
(Ini bisa saja salah, bisa jadi ...)
(It could be wrong, could be...)
(Ini bisa saja salah, bisa jadi ...)
Love is our resistance
Cinta adalah resistensi kita
They'll keep us apart and they won't stop breaking us down
They'll keep us apart and they won't stop breaking us down
Mereka akan membuat kita terpisah dan mereka tidak akan berhenti hancurkan kita
Hold me
Hold me
Tahan aku
Our lips must always be sealed
Bibir kita harus selalu disegel
Our lips must always be sealed
Bibir kita harus selalu disegel
If we live a life in fear
Jika kita menjalani kehidupan dalam ketakutan
I'll wait a thousand years
I'll wait a thousand years
Aku akan menunggu seribu tahun
Just to see you smile again
Hanya untuk melihatmu tersenyum lagi
Just to see you smile again
Hanya untuk melihatmu tersenyum lagi
Kill your prayers for love and peace
Membunuh doamu untuk cinta dan perdamaian
You'll wake the thought police
You'll wake the thought police
kau akan bangun polisi pemikiran
We can't hide the truth inside
Kita tidak bisa menyembunyikan kebenaran di dalam
We can't hide the truth inside
Kita tidak bisa menyembunyikan kebenaran di dalam
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) But it should have been right
(Ini bisa saja salah, bisa saja salah) Tapi seharusnya sudah tepat
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) To let our hearts ignite
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) To let our hearts ignite
(Ini bisa saja salah, bisa saja salah) Untuk membiarkan hati kita menyalakan
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) Are we digging a hole?
(Ini bisa saja salah, bisa saja salah) Apakah kita menggali lubang?(It could be wrong, could be wrong) Are we digging a hole?
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) This is out of control
(Ini bisa saja salah, bisa saja salah) ini bisa tak pernah berakhir
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) Must erase it fast
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) Must erase it fast
(Ini bisa saja salah, bisa saja salah) Harus menghapusnya cepat
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) But it could have been right
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) But it could have been right
(Ini bisa saja salah, bisa saja salah) Tapi itu bisa saja benar
(It could be wrong, could be...)
(Ini bisa saja salah, bisa jadi ...)
(It could be wrong, could be...)
(Ini bisa saja salah, bisa jadi ...)
Love is our resistance
Cinta adalah resistensi kita
They'll keep us apart and they won't stop breaking us down
They'll keep us apart and they won't stop breaking us down
Mereka akan membuat kita terpisah dan mereka tidak akan berhenti hancurkan kita
Hold me
Hold me
Tahan aku
Our lips must always be sealed
Bibir kita harus selalu disegel
Our lips must always be sealed
Bibir kita harus selalu disegel
The night has reached its end
Malam telah mencapai akhir
We can't pretend
We can't pretend
Kita tidak bisa berpura-pura
We must run
We must run
We must run
We must run
Kita harus lari
It's time to run
It's time to run
Sudah waktunya untuk lari
Take us away from here
Take us away from here
Membawa kita pergi dari sini
Protect us from further harm
Protect us from further harm
Melindungi kita dari bahaya lebih lanjut