Terjemahan Lirik Lagu The Cranberries - Tomorrow

I think that you're mad,
Aku berpikir bahwa kau gila,
You spend a lot of time in your head.
Kau menghabiskan banyak waktu di kepalamu.
I know that you're mad,
Aku tahu bahwa kau marah,
You spend a lot of time in your head.
Kau menghabiskan banyak waktu di kepalamu
If you could come away with me,
Jika kau bisa datang pergi denganku,
You should come away with me,
Kau harus datang pergi denganku,
You should have some faith in me.
Kau harus memiliki beberapa keyakinan dalam diriku. 
Tomorrow could be too late,
Besok bisa terlambat,
I wish I could change the day.
Aku berharap aku bisa mengubah hari.
Tomorrow could be too late,
Besok bisa terlambat,
If only you had some faith.
Kalau saja kau memiliki beberapa keyakinan.
Too young, too proud, too foolish,
Too young, too proud, too foolish.
Terlalu muda, terlalu bangga, terlalu bodoh,
You ask a lot of questions,
Kau mengajukan banyak pertanyaan,
You have too much time on your hands.
Kau memiliki terlalu banyak waktu di tanganmu.
To hell with conclusions,
Persetan dengan kesimpulan,
Why should we make so many plans?
Mengapa kita harus membuat begitu banyak rencana? 
So you should come away with me,
Jadi, kau harus datang pergi denganku,
You should come away with me,
Kau harus datang pergi denganku,
You should have some faith in me.
Kau harus memiliki beberapa keyakinan dalam diriku. 
Tomorrow could be too late,
Besok bisa terlambat,
I wish I could change the day.
Aku berharap aku bisa mengubah hari.
Tomorrow could be too late,
Besok bisa terlambat,
If only you had some faith.
Kalau saja kau memiliki beberapa keyakinan.
Too young, too proud, too foolish,
Too young, too proud, too foolish.
Terlalu muda, terlalu bangga, terlalu bodoh,
So great,
Sangat bagus,
I wish I could change the date.
Aku berharap aku bisa mengubah tanggal.
Tomorrow could be so great,
Besok bisa begitu besar,
If only you had some faith.
Kalau saja kau memiliki beberapa keyakinan.
Tomorrow could be so great,
Besok bisa begitu besar,
I wish I could change the date.
Aku berharap aku bisa mengubah tanggal.
Tomorrow could be so great,
Besok bisa begitu besar,
If only you had some faith
Kalau saja kau memiliki beberapa keyakinan

Updated at: 8:43 AM