Sing a sad song
Menyanyikan lagu sedih
In a lonely place
In a lonely place
Di tempat sepi
Try to put a word in for me
Try to put a word in for me
Cobalah untuk menempatkan kata ke dalam bagiku
It's been so long
It's been so long
Sudah lama
Since I found this place
Since I found this place
Karena aku menemukan tempat ini
You better put in two or three
You better put in two or three
kau lebih baik dimasukkan ke dalam dua atau tiga
We as people, are just walking 'round
We as people, are just walking 'round
Kita sebagai orang, yang hanya berjalan di sekitar
Our heads are firmly fixed in the ground
Our heads are firmly fixed in the ground
Kepala kita yang tegas tetap di tanah
What we don't see
What we don't see
Apa yang kita tidak melihat
Well it can't be real
Well it can't be real
Yah itu tidak bisa menjadi nyata
What we don't touch we cannot feel
Apa yang kita tidak menyentuh kita tidak bisa merasakannya.
What we don't touch we cannot feel
Apa yang kita tidak menyentuh kita tidak bisa merasakannya.
Where we're living in this town
Di mana kita hidup di kota ini
The sun is coming up and it's going down
The sun is coming up and it's going down
Matahari akan terbit dan itu akan terbenam
But it's all just the same at the end of the day
But it's all just the same at the end of the day
Tapi itu semua sama di akhir hari
And we cheat and we lie
And we cheat and we lie
Dan kita menipu dan kita berbohong
Nobody says it's wrong
Nobody says it's wrong
Tidak ada yang mengatakan itu salah
So we don't ask why
So we don't ask why
Jadi kita tidak bertanya mengapa
Cause it's all just the same at the end of the day
Cause it's all just the same at the end of the day
karena itu semua hanya sama pada akhir hari
We're throwing it all away
We're throwing it all away
We're throwing it all away
We're throwing it all away
Kami membuang semua itu
We're throwing it all away at the end of the day
Kami membuang semua itu pada akhir hari
We're throwing it all away at the end of the day
Kami membuang semua itu pada akhir hari
If you need it
Jika kau membutuhkannya
Something I can give
Where we're living in this town
Don't throw it all away
Don't throw it all away
Don't throw it all away
Don't throw it all away
Throwing it all away
Throwing it all away
Sesuatu yang bisa aku berikan
I know I'd help you if I can
I know I'd help you if I can
Aku tahu aku akan membantumu jika aku bisa
If your honest and you say that you did
If your honest and you say that you did
Jika kau jujur dan kau mengatakan yang kau lakukan
You know that I would give you my hand
You know that I would give you my hand
kau tahu bahwa aku akan memberikanmu tanganku
Or a sad song
Or a sad song
Atau lagu sedih
In a lonely place
In a lonely place
Di tempat sepi
I'll try to put a word in for you
I'll try to put a word in for you
aku akan mencoba untuk menempatkan kata di dalam untukmu
Need a shoulder? well if that's the case
Need a shoulder? well if that's the case
Perlu bahu? baik jika itu yang terjadi
You know there's nothing I wouldn't do
kau tahu tidak disana aku tidak akan melakukannya
You know there's nothing I wouldn't do
kau tahu tidak disana aku tidak akan melakukannya
Where we're living in this town
Di mana kita hidup di kota ini
The sun is coming up and it's going down
The sun is coming up and it's going down
Matahari akan terbit dan itu akan terbenam
But it's all just the same at the end of the day
But it's all just the same at the end of the day
Tapi itu semua sama di akhir hari
And we cheat and we lie
And we cheat and we lie
Dan kita menipu dan kita berbohong
Nobody says it's wrong
Nobody says it's wrong
Tidak ada yang mengatakan itu salah
So we don't ask why
So we don't ask why
Jadi kita tidak bertanya mengapa
Cause it's all just the same at the end of the day
karena itu semua hanya sama pada akhir hariCause it's all just the same at the end of the day
Don't throw it all away
Don't throw it all away
Don't throw it all away
Don't throw it all away
Jangan membuang semua itu
Throwing it all away
Throwing it all away
Throwing it all away
Membuang semua itu
Throwing it all away
Throwing it all away
Throwing it all away
Membuang semua itu
Throwing it all away
Throwing it all away
Membuang semua itu
You're throwing it all away at the end of the day
You're throwing it all away at the end of the day
kau membuang semua itu pada akhir hari