Terjemahan Lirik Lagu The Cranberries - Zombie

Another head hangs lowly
Kepala lain menggantung rendah
Child is slowly taken
Anak perlahan-lahan diambil
And the violence caused such silence
Dan kekerasan yang disebabkan seperti diam
Who are we mistaken
Yang kita keliru

But you see it's not me
Tapi kau lihat itu bukan aku
It's not my family
Ini bukan keluargaku
In your head, in your Head they are fighting
Di kepalamu, di kepalamu mereka berjuang
With their tanks and their bombs
Dengan tank dan bom mereka
And their bombs and their guns
Dan bom mereka dan senjata mereka
In your head,
Di kepalamu,
In your head they are cryin'
Di kepalamu mereka menangis 

In your head, in your head
Di kepalamu, di kepalamu
Zombie, zombie, zombie
Zombie, zombie, zombie
Hey, hey
What's in your head, in your head
Apa yang ada di kepalamu, di kepalamu
Zombie, zombie, zombie
Zombie, zombie, zombie
Hey, hey, hey, oh
Dou, dou, dou, dou
Dou, dou, dou, dou
Dou, dou, dou, dou
Dou, dou, dou, dou

Another mother's breakin'
ibu hancur lainnya
Heart is taking over
Hati diambil alih
When the violence causes silence
Ketika kekerasan menyebabkan keheningan
We must be mistaken
Kita pasti salah 

It's the same old theme since nineteen-sixteen
Ini tema sama yang lama sejak 1916
In your head,
Di kepalamu,
In your head they're still fightin'
Di kepalamu mereka masih berjuang
With their tanks and their bombs
Dengan tank dan bom mereka
And their bombs and their guns
Dan bom mereka dan senjata mereka
In your head, in your head they are dyin'
Di kepalamu, di kepalamu mereka sekarat 
In your head, in your head
Di kepalamu, di kepalamu
Zombie, zombie, zombie
Zombie, zombie, zombie
Hey, hey
What's in your head, in your head
Apa yang ada di kepalamu, di kepalamu
Zombie, zombie, zombie
Zombie, zombie, zombie

Hey, hey, hey
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Hey, oh, ya, ya-a

Updated at: 1:14 AM