Lirik The Rolling Stones - Off The Hook

Sittin' in my bedroom late last night
duduk di kamar tidurku larut malam terakhir.
Got into bed and turned out the light
Naik ke tempat tidur dan mematikan lampu.
Decided to call my baby on the telephone
Memutuskan untuk memanggil kekasihku di telepon.
All I got was an engaged tone
Semua yang aku dapatkan adalah nada terlibat.
It's off the hook
It's off the hook
It's off the hook
It's off the hook
It's off the hook
Ini lepas dari wadah.
Talkin' so long she upset my mind
Bicara begitu lama dia marah pikirku.
Why is she talkin' such a long time?
Kenapa dia bicara seakan lama?.
Maybe she's sleeping, maybe she's ill
Mungkin dia tidur, mungkin dia sakit.
Phone's disconnected, unpaid bill
Terputus, tagihan belum dibayar.
It's off the hook
It's off the hook
It's off the hook
It's off the hook
It's off the hook
Ini lepas dari wadah.
Don't wanna see her, afraid of what I'd find
Tidak ingin melihat dia, takut apa yang akan kutemukan.
Tired of letting her upset me all the time
Lelah membiarkan dia marah padaku sepanjang waktu.
Back into bed started reading my books
Kembali ke tempat tidur mulai membaca buku-bukuku.
Take my phone right off of the hook
Mengambil ponselku langsung dari wadah.
It's off the hook
It's off the hook
It's off the hook
It's off the hook
It's off the hook
It's off the hook
Ini lepas dari wadah.

Updated at: 12:43 AM