Born out of nothingness, defined by beauty and patience.
Lahir dari ketiadaan, yang didefinisikan oleh keindahan dan kesabaran..
A tortured existence which leaves behind no answers.
A tortured existence which leaves behind no answers.
Sebuah keberadaan disiksa yang meninggalkan ada jawaban.
Destined to suffer the struggle, cursed to be one of them, to be both of them. Fatima. Rusalka.
Destined to suffer the struggle, cursed to be one of them, to be both of them. Fatima. Rusalka.
Ditakdirkan untuk menderita perjuangan, mengutuk menjadi salah satu dari mereka, untuk menjadi keduanya. Fatima. Rusalka.
Somewhere between the chaos and the void in a desert that predates time itself, bereft of stars and untouched by the Gods of man.
Somewhere between the chaos and the void in a desert that predates time itself, bereft of stars and untouched by the Gods of man.
Suatu tempat antara kekacauan dan kekosongan di padang pasir yang
mendahului waktu itu sendiri, kehilangan bintang dan tak tersentuh oleh
para Dewa manusia.
There was only one. There was only her.
Hanya ada satu. Hanya ada dia.
There was only one. There was only her.
Hanya ada satu. Hanya ada dia.
Black echoes deafening silence
Gema hitam memekakkan telinga diam.
Spat upon the tortured earth
Spat upon the tortured earth
Diludahi bumi disiksa.
She is born all alone
She is born all alone
Dia lahir sendirian.
Cursed to never live, cursed to never die
Cursed to never live, cursed to never die
Terkutuklah untuk tidak pernah hidup, dikutuk untuk tidak pernah mati.
Scarlet fiend condemned to breathe eternally
Scarlet fiend condemned to breathe eternally
Iblis Scarlet mengutuk bernapas selamanya.
Thirsting for an answer, starving for her purpose
Thirsting for an answer, starving for her purpose
Haus jawaban, kelaparan untuk tujuannya.
But the sky holds his tongue as she waits for the end
But the sky holds his tongue as she waits for the end
Tapi langit memegang lidahnya sambil menunggu akhir.
And it's not looking good at all
Dan itu tidak terlihat baik sama sekali.
And it's not looking good at all
Dan itu tidak terlihat baik sama sekali.
An anguished melody reveals to me a memory of love once lost
Melodi sedih mengungkapkan kepadaku memori cinta sekali hilang.
A quiet affliction, a moment of weakness
A quiet affliction, a moment of weakness
Sebuah penderitaan yang tenang, saat kelemahan.
Breathe and shut your eyes
Breathe and shut your eyes
Bernapas dan tutup matamu.
Finally, it all makes sense so naturally I am lost
Finally, it all makes sense so naturally I am lost
Akhirnya, semuanya masuk akal jadi tentu aku tersesat.
When angels and devils make sense of the wreckage
When angels and devils make sense of the wreckage
Ketika malaikat dan setan memahami reruntuhan.
Unsung heroine, death won't set you free
Pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa, kematian tidak akan membebaskanmu.
Unsung heroine, death won't set you free
Pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa, kematian tidak akan membebaskanmu.
Cautiously I softly fake a smile, it's cold here at night I'm trying to hide, dying to find myself
Dengan hati-hati aku tersenyum palsu dengan lembut , itu dingin di sini di
malam hari aku mencoba untuk menyembunyikan, sekarat untuk menemukan
I should stop praying to no one
I should stop praying to no one
Aku harus berhenti berdoa untuk tak seorangpun.
I can't stop searching for someone
I can't stop searching for someone
aku tidak dapat berhenti mencari seseorang.
Please just stop, sweetheart, it gets better than this I wish I could go, wish I could find a way
Please just stop, sweetheart, it gets better than this I wish I could go, wish I could find a way
tolong berhenti, Sayang, itu akan lebih baik daripada ini aku berharap aku bisa pergi, berharap aku bisa menemukan jalan.
I just want to see your face
I just want to see your face
Aku hanya ingin melihat wajahmu.
But now I'm starting to see how it all ends
But now I'm starting to see how it all ends
Tapi sekarang aku mulai melihat bagaimana semuanya berakhir.
And it's not looking good at all
Dan itu tidak terlihat baik sama sekali.
And it's not looking good at all
Dan itu tidak terlihat baik sama sekali.
An anguished melody reveals to me a memory of love once lost
Melodi sedih mengungkapkan kepadaku memori cinta sekali hilang.
A quiet affliction, a moment of weakness
A quiet affliction, a moment of weakness
Sebuah penderitaan yang tenang, saat kelemahan.
Breathe and shut your eyes
Breathe and shut your eyes
Bernapas dan tutup matamu.
Finally, it all makes sense so naturally I am lost
Finally, it all makes sense so naturally I am lost
Akhirnya, semuanya masuk akal jadi tentu aku tersesat.
When angels and devils make sense of the wreckage
When angels and devils make sense of the wreckage
Ketika malaikat dan setan memahami reruntuhan.
Unsung heroine, death won't set you free
Pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa, kematian tidak akan membebaskanmu.
Unsung heroine, death won't set you free
Pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa, kematian tidak akan membebaskanmu.
Immortality is your curse, an orphan by God, and lost
Keabadian adalah kutukanmu, yatim piatu oleh dewa, dan yang hilang.
You're an orphan by God, and lost
You're an orphan by God, and lost
kau seorang yatim piatu oleh dewa, dan kehilangan.
An orphan by God
An orphan by God
Yatim piatu oleh dewa.
So now it seems the sky has failed me
So now it seems the sky has failed me
Jadi sekarang tampaknya langit telah menggagalkanku.
This has been a terrible mistake
This has been a terrible mistake
Ini telah menjadi kesalahan besar.
If I had just one more chance...
Jika aku punya hanya satu kesempatan lagi ...
If I had just one more chance...
Jika aku punya hanya satu kesempatan lagi ...
If you're looking for an answer
Jika kau sedang mencari jawaban.
Hold tight and never let me go
Hold tight and never let me go
Memegang erat dan tidak pernah membiarkanku pergi.
And the lies we said we'll bury with the rest
And the lies we said we'll bury with the rest
Dan kebohongan yang kita katakan kita akan mengubur dengan sisanya.
Oh, the senselessness of all this suffering
Oh, the senselessness of all this suffering
Oh, kesia-siaan semua penderitaan ini.
Feel it again and over again
Feel it again and over again
Merasakannya lagi dan lagi.
Let it begin
Biarkan dimulai.
Let it begin
Biarkan dimulai.
Ageless warrior left to destroy mankind and reap the earth
Prajurit abadi tersisa untuk menghancurkan umat manusia dan menuai bumi.
We have to believe, trust that there is hope
We have to believe, trust that there is hope
Kita harus percaya, percaya bahwa ada harapan.
Useless prayers will be left to unveil the truth that all is lost
Useless prayers will be left to unveil the truth that all is lost
Doa tak berguna akan ditinggalkan untuk mengungkap kebenaran bahwa semua hilang.
We have to believe, trust that there is hope
We have to believe, trust that there is hope
Kita harus percaya, percaya bahwa ada harapan.
It was never just a dream.
It was never just a dream.
Itu tidak pernah hanya mimpi.